This playlist
covers Radio Nothing #2434
The Damp Shadows Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT
Thursday, April 28, 2011 from 2h00 to 5h55
[Listen to the archived audio on WPKN's web site]
This playlist is divided
into two sections: the first section is a
listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second
section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.)
in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section
are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material,
for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the
second, just scroll up the page the "back" button in
your browser is also likely to do the trick.)
The "Ref#" is a
library number either that of the WPKN library or of my personal
collection or other source. Numbers in boldface like "7h05"
mark (French notation) the starting time of a microphone break to provide
listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.
The source listing includes
the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether
it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial
number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone,
fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information
is usually only as timely as the publication date of the source material
so you may have to do additional research on your own if this
information is out of date.
Any questions or comments?
Please contact me via e-mail at: Rod@radionothing.net
Thanks for your interest.
Regards from your host,
Rod Richardson
Nothing #2434
The Damp Shadows Edition
Thursday, April 28, 2011 from 2h00 to 5h55
Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work
1 | cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |
2 | 2h07 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |
3 | rrcdbeat10 | Beats Antique | Egyptic | Blind Threshold
4 | rrcdatta00 | Master Musicians Of Jajouka Featuring Bachir Attar | The Magic Of Peace (Remix by D.B.A.) | Master Musicians Of Jajouka Featuring Bachir Attar
5 | D60936 | Balkan Beat Box | Habibi Min Zaman (Mr. Tunes Remix) | Nu Made (Remixes)
6 | rrcdemit3396 | Undark | Ice In The Sleeve | em:t3396
7 | D21405 | Pierre Henry/Michel Colombier/Fatboy Slim | Psyché Rock (Fatboy Slim Malpaso Mix) | Métamorphose - Messe Pour Le Temps Present
8 | rrcdboyf11 | Boy with a Fish | How Will I Go | I Put My Tongue On The Window
9 | rrcdnwnm89 | Henry Threadgill | The Devil Is On The Loose | Next Wave New Music America 10th Anniversary
10 | 3h00 | Rod | Info |
11 | rrcdfroh00 | Artemiy Artemiev & Peter Frohmader | Cosmic Jungle | Space Icon
12 | rrcdsynt03 | Synthetic Block | Variations On A Theme Of Absence | Sonic Approach
13 | D61291 | Rebotini | 1314 | Music Components
14 | D13839 | Logos [Moniek Darge & Godfried-Willem Raes] | Shifts | Logos WORKS
15 | D53361 | Symbion Project | What You Are, We Once Were | Wound Up By God or The Devil
16 | 4h01 | Rod | Info |
17 | prev2434 | Toubab Krewe | Mansani Cisse | TK2
18 | rrcdethi17 | Tlahoun Gèssèssè | Alègntayè | Éthiopiques 17
19 | D57703 | Orchestra Baobab | Nijaay | Made in Dakar
20 | D57703 | Orchestra Baobab | Ndéleng Ndéleng | Made in Dakar
21 | D06757 | Baaba Maal | Daande Lenol | Lam Toro
22 | D51904 | Toumani Diabate's Symmetric Orchestra | Tapha Niang | Boulevard de l'Independance
23 | D62811 | Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew | Cross To Bear | Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew
24 | rrcdmcra06 | MC Rai | Rana Ça Va | Raivolution
25 | rrcdista05 | Techno Roman Project | Kaynanamin Donu | A Night In Istanbul
26 | 5h01 | Rod | Info |
27 | rrcdista05 | Burhan Öçal & Pete Namlook | Nereden Geliyorsun Part II | A Night In Istanbul
28 | D46216 | Al-Yaman | The Prophet | Hurriya
29 | D46216 | Al-Yaman | Muashahat | Hurriya
30 | rrcdniya08 | Niyaz | Allah Mazare | Nine Heavens
31 | D51538 | Jahle | Lullaby | The Rough Guide To The Music Of Iran
32 | rrcdkron09 | Kronos Quartet | Lullaby | Floodplain
33 | rrcdbeat10 | Beats Antique | Rising Tide (feat. Lynx) | Blind Threshold
34 | 5h52 | Rod | Info & Outro |
35 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity Dance
for Radio Nothing #2434
Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial Number | Label Info
D01777 | The Horse Flies | Gravity Dance | CD | 1991 | MCAD-10176 | The Horse Flies, 632 Bostwick Road, Ithaca, NY 14850;
D06757 | Baaba Maal | Lam Toro | CD | 1993 | 162 539 925-2 | Island Records, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019;
D13839 | Logos [Moniek Darge & Godfried-Willem Raes] | Logos WORKS | CD | 1995 | XI 117 | Experimental Intermedia, P.O. Box 1754, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013; tel/fax: 212-496-9084
D21405 | Pierre Henry/Michel Colombier [and others] | Métamorphose - Messe Pour Le Temps Present | CD | 1997 | 456 294-2 | FFRR, marketed by PolyGram, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019
D46216 | Al-Yaman | Hurriya | CD | 2004 | MAM234-2 | Indies Records, Stefánikova 8, Brno 602 00, Czech Republic; tel: 420-549-245-610;
D51538 | Various | The Rough Guide To The Music Of Iran | CD | 2006 | RGNET1165CD | World Music Network, 6 Abbeville Mews, 88 Clapham Park Road, London SW4 7BX, United Kingdom; tel: 020 7498 5252 ; e-mail:
post@worldmusic.net ;
D51904 | Toumani Diabate's Symmetric Orchestra | Boulevard de l'Independance | CD | 2006 | 79953-2 | World Circuit/Nonesuch Records, a Warner Music Group Company, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104;
www.worldcircuit.co.uk ;
www.nonesuch.com ;
D53361 | Symbion Project | Wound Up By God or The Devil | CD | 2007 | n/a |
D57703 | Orchestra Baobab | Made in Dakar | CD | 2008 | 433788-2 | World Circuit/Nonesuch Records, a Warner Music Group Company, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104;
www.worldcircuit.co.uk ;
D60936 | Balkan Beat Box | Nu Made (Remixes) | CD | 2009 | JDub114 | JDub Records, 7 East 10th Street, New York, NY 10003;
D61291 | Rebotini | Music Components | CD | 2008 | LPN005CD | Citizen Records, licensed to Le Plan;
D62811 | Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew | Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew | CD | 2009 | WIGCD230P | Domino Recording Co., Ltd., 55 Washington Street #458, Brooklyn, NY 11201;
prev2434 | Toubab Krewe | TK2 | CD | 2010 | n/a | Nat Geo Music,
rrcdatta00 | Master Musicians Of Jajouka Featuring Bachir Attar | Master Musicians Of Jajouka Featuring Bachir Attar | CD | 2000 | 289 464 536-2 | Point Music, a division of The Decca Music Group Limited, mfg & marketed by Universal Classics Group, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc., 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019,
rrcdbeat10 | Beats Antique | Blind Threshold | CD | 2010 | n/a |
rrcdboyf11 | Boy with a Fish | I Put My Tongue On The Window | CD | 2011 | n/a | Left Ear Records;
rrcdemit3396 | Undark | em:t3396 | CD | 1996 | n/a | t:me Recording Ltd.;
rrcdethi17 | Tlahoun Gèssèssè | Éthiopiques 17 | CD | 2005? | 82266-2 | Buda Musique, 188, Boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France; tel: 01 40 24 01 03; fax: 01 40 24 04 27;
rrcdfroh00 | Artemiy Artemiev & Peter Frohmader | Space Icon | CD | 2000 | ELCD 015 | Electroshock Records,
rrcdista05 | Various | A Night In Istanbul | CD | 2005 | METRDCD569 | Metro Doubles, Union Square Music, Unit 1.1, Shepherds Studios, Rockley Road, London W14 0DA, UK;
rrcdkron09 | Kronos Quartet | Floodplain | CD | 2009 | 518349-2 | Nonesuch Records, a Warner Music Group Company, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104;
rrcdmcra06 | MC Rai | Raivolution | CD | 2006 | embk001 | Embarka Records;
rrcdniya08 | Niyaz | Nine Heavens | CD | 2008 | 657036 1150-2 | Six Degrees Records, P.O. Box 411347, San Francisco, CA 94141-1347;
www.sixdegreesrecords.com ; email:
rrcdnwnm89 | Various | Next Wave New Music America 10th Anniversary | CD | 1989 | NMA 001 | Brooklyn Academy of Music [out of print]
rrcdsynt03 | Synthetic Block | Sonic Approach | CD | 2003 | 75390-71271-26 | Hypnos/Binary, P.O. Box 6868, Portland, OR 97228, USA;
www.hypnos.com/binary ;
Well, there you have it!
Thanks for visiting!
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