Radio Nothing 1841

This playlist covers Radio Nothing #1841The Late Night Debate Club Fill-In Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT on Friday, May 7, 2004 from 2h05 to 6h00

This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the second, just scroll up the page – the "back" button in your browser is also likely to do the trick.)

The "Ref#" is a library number – either that of the WPKN library or of my personal collection or other source. Numbers in boldface like "7h05" mark (French notation) the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.

The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information is usually only as timely as the publication date of the source material – so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.

Any questions or comments? – Please contact me via e-mail at:

Thanks for your interest.

Regards from your host,

Rod Richardson

Radio Nothing #1841
The Late Night Debate Club Fill-In Edition
Friday, May 7, 2004 from 2h05 to 6h00

Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work

01 | cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |

02 | 2h13 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |

03 | rrcdturb04 | Turbo Tabla | Shred | Bellydance Overdrive

04 | D42882 | Raquy Danziger | Kurdish | Dust

05 | rrcdazer03 | [anonymous] | Keroylu | Anthology of World Music - The Music of Azerbaijan

06 | D40991 | Abdelli | Inas | Among Brothers

07 | D40252 | Strobinell | Ma Bouli | An Aotrou Liskildri

08 | rrcdmoon69 | Moondog | Theme | Moondog

09 | rrcdmoon69 | Moondog | Stamping Ground | Moondog

10 | rrcdnajm02 | Najma | Rise Above | Vivid

11 | rrcdbada98 | Angelo Badalamenti | Bloody Boy/Neon Reprise | Arlington Road [soundtrack]

12 | rrcdthai03 | China Dolls | Oh Oh Oh | The Rough Guide To The Music of Thailand

13 | 3h02 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

14 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | Vertigo | A Descent Into The Maelström

15 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | He is Coerced to Look | A Descent Into The Maelström

16 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | Engagement | A Descent Into The Maelström

17 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Naming | A Descent Into The Maelström

18 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | Tranquility | A Descent Into The Maelström

19 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Beggin | A Descent Into The Maelström

20 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Strategem | A Descent Into The Maelström

21 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | On My Watch and Caught | A Descent Into The Maelström

22 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Hurricane | A Descent Into The Maelström

23 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Entrance of the Moon | A Descent Into The Maelström

24 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Sighting | A Descent Into The Maelström

25 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | They Enter The Stream | A Descent Into The Maelström

26 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | Abandonment | A Descent Into The Maelström

27 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Brother Becomes a Maniac | A Descent Into The Maelström

28 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The First Mad Rush | A Descent Into The Maelström

29 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | Second Perception of Light Moon, Mist and Rainbow | A Descent Into The Maelström

30 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | The Maelström | A Descent Into The Maelström

31 | rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | Hour of the Slack and Escape | A Descent Into The Maelström

32 | 4h17 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

33 | D31369 | [Chen Yi, comp.]/Min Xiao-Fen | Duo Ye | With Six Composers

34 | D31148 | Gary Lucas (featuring DJ Spooky) | Golgotha | Improve The Shining Hour

35 | D29147 | Andrea Parker | Clutching At Straws | Kiss My Arp

36 | D43776 | [Edgard Varèse: Arcana]/Produced by Dr. Nachstrom | Riddim Drum & Bass Mix | Rhythmic Fission - Digital Revisions of Classic Trax

37 | rrcdturb04 | Turbo Tabla | Allahu Ya'aalim | Bellydance Overdrive

38 | rrcdazer03 | Bakhram Mansurov | Mugam Bayati-Shiraz | Anthology of World Music - The Music of Azerbaijan

39 | 5h07 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

40 | D31251 | [Lewis Nielson, comp.]/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Róbert Stankovsky [cond.] | Crosscurrents on the Vertical River | MMC New Century - Volume IX

41 | rrcdkard02 | Artemiy Artemiev & Karda Estra | The Teller Of The Tale | Equilibrium

42 | 5h55 | Rod | Info & Outro |

43 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity Dance

SourceList for Radio Nothing #1841

Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial Number | Label Info

D01777 | The Horse Flies | Gravity Dance | CD | 1991 | MCAD-10176 | The Horse Flies, 632 Bostwick Road, Ithaca, NY 14850;
D29147 | Andrea Parker | Kiss My Arp | CD | 1999 | BBNYC018 | Beggars Banquet Records, 580 Broadway, Suite 1004, New York, NY 10012; tel: 212-343-7010; fax: 212-343-7030;
D31148 | Gary Lucas | Improve The Shining Hour | CD | 2000 | KFW 265 | Knitting Factory Works, 74 Leonard Street, New York, NY 10013; tel: 212-219-3006, fax: 212-941-9238;
D31251 | Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Róbert Stankovsky | MMC New Century - Volume IX | CD | 1999 | MMC 2064 | MMC Recordings, Ltd., P.O. Box 2127, Woburn, MA 01888 ;
D31369 | Min Xiao-Fen | With Six Composers | CD | 1998 | AVAN 021 | Disk Union, 2-3 Kanda Awajicho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 101-0063, Japan
D40252 | Strobinell | An Aotrou Liskildri | CD | 1991 | KMCD 26 | Keltia Musique, 1 Place au Beurre, 29000 Quimper, France; tel: (33) 02 98 95 45 82 ; fax: (33) 02 98 95 73 19; e-mail:;
D40991 | Abdelli | Among Brothers | CD | 2003 | 7243 5 81313 2 1 | Real World Records, distributed by Narada Productions, Inc., 4650 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, WI 53212-1063 USA;;
D42882 | Raquy Danziger | Dust | CD | 2003 | n/a | Raquy Music;
D43776 | Various | Rhythmic Fission - Digital Revisions of Classic Trax | CD | 2004 | 82876-51778-2 | Bluebird, BMG, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036-4708
rrcdazer03 | Various | Anthology of World Music - The Music of Azerbaijan | CD | 2003 | 82161-5142-2 | Rounder Records, One Camp Street, Cambridge, MA 02140; ; e-mail:
rrcdbada98 | Angelo Badalamenti | Arlington Road [soundtrack] | CD | 1998 | WIL 33657 | Will Records
rrcdglas86 | Philip Glass | A Descent Into The Maelström | CD | 2002 | 0005 | Orange Mountain Music, 632 Broadway, Suite 902, New York, NY 10012;;
rrcdkard02 | Artemiy Artemiev & Karda Estra | Equilibrium | CD | 2002 | ELCD 031 | Electroshock Records,
rrcdmoon69 | Moondog | Moondog | CD | 1969/71 | MK44994 | CBS, distributed by Sony Music, New York, NY;
rrcdnajm02 | Najma | Vivid | CD | 2002 | 186 850 075 2 | Mondo Melodia, 14724 Ventura Boulevard, Penthouse Suite, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 ;
rrcdthai03 | Various | The Rough Guide To The Music of Thailand | CD | 2003 | RGNET 1095 CD | World Music Network, 6 Abbeville Mews, 88 Clapham Park Road, London SW4 7BX, United Kingdom; tel: 020 7498 5252 ; e-mail: ;
rrcdturb04 | Turbo Tabla | Bellydance Overdrive | CD | 2004 | 186 850 081 2 | Mondo Melodia, ARK 21, 14724 Ventura Boulevard, Penthouse Suite, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403;;;

Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!

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