This playlist covers Radio Nothing#1478 The How Many Others Do As You Do Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT on Monday, March 12, 2001 from 3h00 to 6h30

This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the second, just scroll up the page – the "back" button in your browser is also likely to do the trick.)

The "Ref#" is a library number – either that of the WPKN library or of my personal collection or other source. Numbers in boldface like "7h05" mark (French notation) the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.

The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information is usually only as timely as the publication date of the source material – so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.

Any questions or comments? – Please contact me via e-mail at:

Thanks for your interest.

Regards from your host,

Rod Richardson

Radio Nothing #1478
The How Many Others Do As You Do Edition
Monday, March 12, 2001 – 3h00 to 6h30

Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work

01 | cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |

02 | 3h09 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |

03 | rrcdio2001.02 | The I Orchestra | Melting Mountains | Melting Mountains

04 | rrcdio2001.02 | The I Orchestra | The Czar Invites You To The Space Station | Melting Mountains

05 | rrcdio2001.02 | The I Orchestra | The Melt Begins | Melting Mountains

06 | rrcdio2001.02 | The I Orchestra | Melting The Andes | Melting Mountains

07 | rrcdkim01 | Jin Hi Kim | Jupiter's Moon | Komungo

08 | D33885 | [Robert Maggio, comp.]/Daniel Grabois [horn]/Colette Valentine [piano] | Divide: i) Low | Riddles

09 | D33885 | [Robert Maggio, comp.]/Daniel Grabois [horn]/Colette Valentine [piano] | Divide: ii) High | Riddles

10 | D33885 | [Robert Maggio, comp.]/Daniel Grabois [horn]/Colette Valentine [piano] | Divide: iii) Divide | Riddles

11 | D33889 | [Steven Burke, comp.]/Xak Bjerken [Piano] | One | High Rise

12 | D33887 | [Irwin Bazelon, comp.]/Wanda Maximilien [piano] | Imprints | The Music of Irwin Bazelon

13 | 4h08 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

14 | D31811 | Open Canvas | Season Of Monsoon | Indumani

15 | D33965 | Rachid Taha | Garab | Made In Medina

16 | D33963 | King Cobb Steelie | Fast Money Blessing | Mayday

17 | D31760 | Terrestre | E.L.O.D.M.C. | Super Post Electronica Phase One

18 | D33933 | Señor Coconut | Musica Moderna (Samba Virtual) | Gran Baile

19 | D33952 | Steve Fisk | Amateur European | 999 Levels of Undo

20 | D31756 | MuteTreasures | Fourth Movement | Vorgon Massive: Future Sounds Of Long Island

21 | 5h03 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

22 | D33965 | Rachid Taha | Barra Barra | Made In Medina

23 | D33793 | Mori Stylez | The Battle of Acorn Hill | Rules For Rotation

24 | rrcdio2001.02 | The I Orchestra | Liquefaction | Melting Mountains

25 | rrcdrblh01 | The I Orchestra/RightBrain:LeftHand | Abandon Your Homes (Dead of Winter Iteration) | One Hand Holds Another

26 | D31756 | Action House Cat | All Action (Rev. Mix) | Vorgon Massive: Future Sounds Of Long Island

27 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Godesandah | Shap

28 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Aetsomne | Shap

29 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Heaoo-Grim | Shap

30 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Ant-Point | Shap

31 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Geosceaft | Shap

32 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Paet Flag | Shap

33 | sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Eadiglice | Shap

34 | 6h03 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

35 | D30163 | Mayada El Hennawy | Min Ger Loka | Camelspotting

36 | D30163 | Walid Tawfic | Acha'ak Azab | Camelspotting

37 | D33965 | Rachid Taha | Aïe Aïe Aïe | Made In Medina

38 | 6h29 | Rod | Info & Outro |

SourceList for Radio Nothing #1478

Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial Number | Label Info

D30163 | Various | Camelspotting | CD | 1999 | 7243 4 96184 2 8 | Metro Blue, distributed by Capitol Records, Hollywood & Vine Streets, Hollywood, CA ;
D31756 | Various | Vorgon Massive: Future Sounds Of Long Island | CD | 2000 | n/a | Vorgon Massive, 2702 Sipp Avenue, Medford, NY 11763-2041; e-mail:;
D31760 | Various | Super Post Electronica Phase One | CD | 2000 | INS529-2 | Instinct Records, 26 West 17th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011, tel: (212) 727-1360, fax: (212) 366-5979
D31811 | Open Canvas | Indumani | CD | 2000 | 99104-2 | Waveform Records, 888-782-7388;
D33793 | Mori Stylez | Rules For Rotation | CD | 2000 | n/a | E-mail: ;
D33885 | Robert Maggio | Riddles | CD | 2001 | CD 870 | Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673; fax: 212- 941-9704;
D33887 | Irwin Bazelon | The Music of Irwin Bazelon | CD | 2001 | CD 871 | Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673; fax: 212- 941-9704;
D33889 | Xak Bjerken | High Rise | CD | 2001 | CD 855 | Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673; fax: 212- 941-9704;
D33933 | Señor Coconut | Gran Baile | CD | 2001 | EMN 7038 | Emperor Norton Records, 102 Robinson Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026;
D33952 | Steve Fisk | 999 Levels of Undo | CD | 2001 | SPCD460 | Sub Pop Records, P.O. Box 20645, Seattle, WA 98102;
D33963 | King Cobb Steelie | Mayday | CD | 2000 | RCD 10604 | Rykodisc, P.O.Box 141, Gloucester, MA 01931-0141, ; ;
D33965 | Rachid Taha | Made In Medina | CD | 2001 | 186 850 019 2 | Mondo Melodia, Mfg. by ARK 21, 14724 Ventura Boulevard, Penthouse Suite, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403;
rrcdio2001.02 | The I Orchestra | Melting Mountains | CD | 2001 | I/OCD2001.02 | ; email:
rrcdkim01 | Jin Hi Kim | Komungo | CD | 2001 | oo70 | O.O. Disks, Inc., 261 Groovers Avenue, Black Rock, CT 06605-3452; Phone: 203-367-7917, fax: 203-333-0603, e-mail: ;
rrcdrblh01 | RightBrain:LeftHand | One Hand Holds Another | CD | 2001 | rblh2001.01 | RightBrain LeftHand;
sscddead96 | Dead Voices On Air | Shap | CD | 1996 | Inv047cd | Dead Voices On Air,

Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!

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All Graphic Images found on the various Radio Nothing Web Pages ©2001 by Rod Richardson