Radio Nothing 1570

This playlist covers Radio Nothing#1570The Holiday Ribbons of Asphalt Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT on Thursday, December 20, 2001 from 6h00 to 10h00

This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the second, just scroll up the page – the "back" button in your browser is also likely to do the trick.)

The "Ref#" is a library number – either that of the WPKN library or of my personal collection or other source. Numbers in boldface like "7h05" mark (French notation) the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.

The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information is usually only as timely as the publication date of the source material – so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.

Any questions or comments? – Please contact me via e-mail at:

Thanks for your interest.

Regards from your host,

Rod Richardson

Radio Nothing #1570
The Holiday Ribbons of Asphalt Edition
Thursday, December 20, 2001 from 6h00 to 10h00

Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work

01 | cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |

02 | 6h08 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |

03 | D35185 | [John Harbison, comp.]/Robert Miller [piano] | Parody-Fantasia | Early Works of John Harbison

04 | D09407 | Le Groupe Zagazougou | Allah Ma Diana | Africa Never Stand Still [disk 2]

05 | D35155 | Bob Holroyd | Waking the Spirits (African Travels Re-awakening Mix) | African Travels

06 | D35699 | Adama Yalomba | Miri Yôrô | African Odyssey

07 | D35990 | Rokia Traore | Kanan Neni | Mondo Africa

08 | D20854 | Malika | Mpenzi Wanisumbuwa [Darling, You Trouble Me] | Tarabu - Music from the Swahili of Kenia

09 | D35990 | Hank Jones & Cheik-Tidiane Seck | Tounia Kanibala | Mondo Africa

10 | D20980 | Cheik Lô | Sant Maam | Né La Thiass

11 | 7h03 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

12 | D21023 | [Kaija Saariaho, comp.]/Jeffrey Krieger [cello] | Petals | AC-DC-VC

13 | D20962 | CJ Bolland | The Analogue Theatre | The Analogue Theatre

14 | D20855 | The Sabri Brothers | Balaghl Ula Be Kamalehi | The Greatest Hits

15 | D28206 | Smoke City | Numbers | Brasil 2mil - 1. The Soul of Bass-o-nova

16 | D20861 | Turgay Ertürk | Havada Bulut Yak | Turkish Village Music

17 | D20979 | Radio Tarifa | Nu Alrest | Rumba Argelina

18 | 8h03 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

19 | D21024 | Annea Lockwood | Micro Glass Shaken | The Glass World

20 | D21024 | Annea Lockwood | Glass Rod Turning | The Glass World

21 | D21024 | Annea Lockwood | Turning Gong | The Glass World

22 | D21024 | Annea Lockwood | Mini Mobile | The Glass World

23 | D21024 | Annea Lockwood | Wine Glass | The Glass World

24 | D21024 | Annea Lockwood | Water Gong | The Glass World

25 | D36540 | [Goffredo Petrassi, comp.]/Michelle Makarski [violin] | Elogio per un'Ombra | Elogio per un'Ombra

26 | D14841 | Volapük | Bach Is Back | Le Feu Du Tigre

27 | D14093 | Peter Scherer | Anonymous Shark | Very Neon Pet

28 | D20978 | Oumou Sangare | Kun Fè Ko | Worotan

29 | 9h02 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

30 | rrcdfez88 | Orchestra de Fez/Hajj Abdelkrim Raïs [director] | Nûba « al-Hijâz al-Kabir » | Maroc - Musique Classique Andalou-Maghrébine

31 | rrcdfez88 | Orchestra de Fez/Hajj Abdelkrim Raïs [director] | Nûba « al-'istihlâl | Maroc - Musique Classique Andalou-Maghrébine

32 | 9h59 | Rod | Info & Outro |

SourceList for Radio Nothing #1570

Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial Number | Label Info

D09407 | Various [African] | Africa Never Stand Still [disk 2] | CD | 1994 | CD3302 | Ellipsis Arts..., P.O. Box 305, Roslyn, NY 11576; tel: 1-800-788-6670, (516) 621-2727; fax: (516) 621-2750;

D14093 | Peter Scherer | Very Neon Pet | CD | 1995 | CDP 7243 8 31600 2 0 | Metro Blue, distributed by Capitol Records, Hollywood & Vine Streets, Hollywood, CA

D14841 | Volapük | Le Feu Du Tigre | CD | 1995 | Rune 74 | Cuneiform Records, P.O. Box 8427, Silver Spring, MD 20907-8427;

D20854 | Malika | Tarabu - Music from the Swahili of Kenia | CD | 1997 | 64089 | Shanachie Entertainment Corp., P.O. Box 284, Newton, NJ 07860-0284;

D20855 | The Sabri Brothers | The Greatest Hits | CD | 1997 | 64090 | Shanachie Entertainment Corp., P.O. Box 284, Newton, NJ 07860-0284;

D20861 | Turgay Ertürk | Turkish Village Music | CD | 1996 | CP CD149 | Cappadocia Productions, 70 Austin Street, Suite 1, Lowell, MA 01854; tel: 508-459-0601; e-mail:

D20962 | CJ Bolland | The Analogue Theatre | CD | 1997 | 314-524 402-2 | FRRR, manufactured & marketed by PolyGram Records, Inc., 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY

D20978 | Oumou Sangare | Worotan | CD | 1996 | 79470-2 | World Circuit/Nonesuch Records, a Warner Music Group Company, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019;

D20979 | Radio Tarifa | Rumba Argelina | CD | 1996 | 79472-2 | World Circuit/Nonesuch Records, a Warner Music Group Company, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019;

D20980 | Cheik Lô | Né La Thiass | CD | 1996 | 79471-2 | World Circuit/Nonesuch Records, a Warner Music Group Company, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019; ;

D21023 | Jeffrey Krieger | AC-DC-VC | CD | 1997 | WN0022 | What Next? Recordings, c/o Nonsequitur, PO Box 344, Albuquerque, NM 87103

D21024 | Annea Lockwood | The Glass World | CD | 1997 | WN0021 | What Next? Recordings, c/o Nonsequitur, PO Box 344, Albuquerque, NM 87103

D28206 | Various | Brasil 2mil - 1. The Soul of Bass-o-nova | CD | 1999 | 657036 1017-2 | Six Degrees Records, P.O. Box 411347, San Francisco, CA 94141-1347; ; email:

D35155 | Various | African Travels | CD | 2001 | 657036 1050-2 | Six Degrees Records, P.O. Box 411347, San Francisco, CA 94141-1347; ; email:

D35185 | John Harbison | Early Works of John Harbison | CD | 2001 | CD 875 | Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673; fax: 212- 941-9704;

D35699 | Various | African Odyssey | CD | 2001 | PUT191-2 | Putumayo World Music,

D35990 | Various | Mondo Africa | CD | 2001 | 186 850 036 2 | Mondo Melodia, 14724 Ventura Boulevard, Penthouse Suite, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 ; ;

D36540 | Michelle Makarski | Elogio per un'Ombra | CD | 2000 | ECM 1712 | ECM Records, Postfach 600 331, 81203 München, Germany;

rrcdfez88 | Orchestra de Fez/Hajj Abdelkrim Raïs [director] | Maroc - Musique Classique Andalou-Maghrébine | CD | 1988 | HM83 | Radio France, distributed by Harmonia Mundi,

Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!

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