Radio Nothing 1417

This playlist covers Radio Nothing#1417The Forced Restart Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT on Monday, August 28, 2000 from 2h00 to 6h00

This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the second, just scroll up the page – the "back" button in your browser is also likely to do the trick.)

The "Ref#" is a library number – either that of the WPKN library or of my personal collection or other source. Numbers in boldface like "7h05" mark (French notation) the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.

The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information is usually only as timely as the publication date of the source material – so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.

Any questions or comments? – Please contact me via e-mail at:

Thanks for your interest.

Regards from your host,

Rod Richardson

Radio Nothing #1417
The Forced Restart Edition
Monday, August 28, 2000 from 2h00 to 6h00

Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work

01 | cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |

02 | 2h10 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |

03 | D32134 | Randall Smith [comp.]/J. Tracy Mortimore [double bass]/Jennifer Waring [flute] | Liquid Fragments | Sondes

04 | D31912 | Mittageisen | Erinnerung (alles ist anders...) | ... alles is anders ... nichts hat sich geändert

05 | rrcdlaib94 | Laibach | 2525 | NATO - MCMXCIV

06 | rrcdlaib94 | Laibach | Mars On River Drina | NATO - MCMXCIV

07 | D31886 | Mr. Electric Triangle | Previously Known As The Track Formerly Known as (Misters At Work) | Revenge Of The Abstract Groove

08 | D31886 | Saru | Something Stronger | Revenge Of The Abstract Groove

09 | rrcdahme1 | Mahmoud Ahmed | Sedètègnash nègn | Éthiopiques 7: Erè Mèla Mèla

10 | rrcdahme1 | Mahmoud Ahmed | Samerayé | Éthiopiques 7: Erè Mèla Mèla

11 | rrcdahme1 | Mahmoud Ahmed | Endénèsh gèdawo | Éthiopiques 7: Erè Mèla Mèla

12 | 3h00 | Rod | Info |

13 | D32134 | Randall Smith [comp.]/Paul Widner [cello] | Continental Rift | Sondes

14 | D32049 | Isotope 217 | SINT_D | Who Stole The I Walkman?

15 | rrcdio2000.10 | The I Orchestra | The Operation of Heavy Machinery II - Trunks and Branches | Hear The Leaves

16 | D32090 | Sabah Habas Mustapha & The Jugala All Stars | So La Li | So La Li

17 | D31574 | Achim Nica | La Livezile Lui Ion | Souffles de l'Âme - Balkan Blues

18 | D31574 | Toni Iordache | Balada Haiduceasca | Souffles de l'Âme - Balkan Blues

19 | D31574 | Psarantonis & Ensemble | Mikro Kopelidaki Mou | Souffles de l'Âme - Balkan Blues

20 | D14190 | Rita Abatzi | Prepei na Skeptetai Kaneis | The Secret Museum of Mankind Volume II

21 | D14189 | Anon. Group | Dance Song | The Secret Museum of Mankind Volume I

22 | D14190 | A. Kostis | Kaike Ena Sholio | The Secret Museum of Mankind Volume II

23 | 4h03 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

24 | rrcdsifs95 | Saleh Khairy | Agulak | Sif Safaa: New Music From The Middle East

25 | rrcdtakf00 | Takfarinas | Aârouss | Yal

26 | rrcdsifs95 | Abu Hilal | Leh Alkhiyana | Sif Safaa: New Music From The Middle East

27 | rrcdnoaf97 | Houria Aïchi | Vent De La Montagne/Six Sous | The Rough Guide To The Music Of North Africa

28 | D15713 | Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects | Nbrik Dub | Shabeesation

29 | D31760 | Mils | 0524 | Super Post Electronica Phase One

30 | D32095 | 45 Dip | Geisha Vampire | The Acid Lounge

31 | D31760 | Moyunijumo | Elefantas Forest 08 | Super Post Electronica Phase One

32 | D31760 | Robonom | Pomelo | Super Post Electronica Phase One

33 | D31756 | Triangulator | The Darkroom | Vorgon Massive: Future Sounds Of Long Island

34 | 5h01 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

35 | D32010 | [William Anderson, comp.]/Cygnus Ensemble | Ear Conception I | Broken Consort

36 | D32010 | [William Anderson, comp.]/Cygnus Ensemble | Ear Conception II | Broken Consort

37 | D32134 | Randall Smith [comp.]/Joseph Petric [concert accordion] | Convergence | Sondes

38 | D31251 | J. Windel Brown [comp.]/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Róbert Stankovsky [cond.]/Michael Kramer [piano] | Concerto for Piano: i) Moderato | MMC New Century - Volume IX

39 | D31251 | J. Windel Brown [comp.]/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Róbert Stankovsky [cond.]/Michael Kramer [piano] | Concerto for Piano: ii) Ritmico | MMC New Century - Volume IX

40 | rrcdio2000.10 | The I Orchestra | Treetops | Hear The Leaves

41 | 5h55 | Rod | Info & Outro |

42 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity Dance

SourceList for Radio Nothing #1417

Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial Number | Label Info

D01777 | The Horse Flies | Gravity Dance | CD | 1991 | MCAD-10176 | The Horse Flies, 632 Bostwick Road, Ithaca, NY 14850;

D14189 | Various | The Secret Museum of Mankind Volume I | CD | 1995 | Yazoo 7004 | Yazoo, a division of Shanachie Entertainment Corp., P.O. Box 284, Newton, NJ 07860-0284;

D14190 | Various | The Secret Museum of Mankind Volume II | CD | 1995 | Yazoo 7005 | Yazoo, a division of Shanachie Entertainment Corp., P.O. Box 284, Newton, NJ 07860-0284;

D15713 | Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects | Shabeesation | CD | 1993/96 | RCD 10336 | Rykodisc USA, Shetland Park, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970; email:; web site:

D31251 | Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Róbert Stankovsky | MMC New Century - Volume IX | CD | 1999 | MMC 2064 | MMC Recordings, Ltd., P.O. Box 2127, Woburn, MA 01888 ;

D31574 | Various | Souffles de l'Âme - Balkan Blues | CD | 1999 | 33.858 | Network Medien GmbH, Merianplatz 10, D60316 Frankfurt/Main, Germany; Fax: ++49 (0)69-4 99 00 97; E-mail:

D31756 | Various | Vorgon Massive: Future Sounds Of Long Island | CD | 2000 | n/a | Vorgon Massive, 2702 Sipp Avenue, Medford, NY 11763-2041; e-mail:;

D31760 | Various | Super Post Electronica Phase One | CD | 2000 | INS529-2 | Instinct Records, 26 West 17th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011, tel: (212) 727-1360, fax: (212) 366-5979

D31886 | Various | Revenge Of The Abstract Groove | CD | 2000 | INS522-2 | Instinct Records, 26 West 17th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011, tel: (212) 727-1360, fax: (212) 366-5979

D31912 | Mittageisen | ... alles is anders ... nichts hat sich geändert | CD | 1998 | U-7CO-A2 | Mital U, P.O.Box 3750, CH-6002 Luzern, Switzerland ; ; e-mail:

D32010 | Cygnus Ensemble | Broken Consort | CD | 2000 | CD 834 | Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673; fax: 212- 941-9704;

D32049 | Isotope 217 | Who Stole The I Walkman? | CD | 2000 | THRILL080 | Thrill Jockey, P.O.Box 08038, Chicago, IL 60608;

D32090 | Saba Habas Mustapha & The Jugala All Stars | So La Li | CD | 2000 | OMM 2025 | Omnium, Postbox 7367, Minneapolis, MN 55407; email:; ; Saba Habas Mustapha: email: ;

D32095 | 45 Dip | The Acid Lounge | CD | 2000 | 1122-2 | Platform Recordings, 3940 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, #224, Studio City, CA 91604 ; tel: 818-994-7733

D32134 | Randall Smith | Sondes | CD | 1999 | IMED9948 | empreintes DIGITALes, DIFFUSION i MéDIA, 4580, Avenue de Lorimier, Montréal, Québec H2H 2B5, Canada;

rrcdahme1 | Mahmoud Ahmed | Éthiopiques 7: Erè Mèla Mèla | CD | 1999 | 82980-2 | Buda Musique, 188, Boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France; tel: 01 40 24 01 03; fax: 01 40 24 04 27; e-mail: ;

rrcdio2000.10 | The I Orchestra | Hear The Leaves | CD | 2000 | I/OCD2000.10 | ; email:

rrcdlaib94 | Laibach | NATO - MCMXCIV | CD | 1994 | MUTE61714-2 | Mute Corporation, 429 Harrow Road, London W10 4RE, United Kingdom; tel: +44 (0) 181 964 0029; fax: +44 (0) 181 964 3722 ;; Laibach and NSK Information Centre, P.P.101, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, NSK;; distributed by Elektra, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019

rrcdnoaf97 | Various | The Rough Guide To The Music Of North Africa | CD | 1997 | RGNET 1011 CD | World Music Network, 6 Abbeville Mews, 88 Clapham Park Road, London SW4 7BX, United Kingdom; tel: 0171 498 5252; fax: 0171 498 5353; email: ;

rrcdsifs95 | Various | Sif Safaa: New Music From The Middle East | CD | 1995 | 7243 8 32255 2 1 | Hemisphere, Mfg. by I.R.S. Records, 3520 Hayden Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232

rrcdtakf00 | Takfarinas | Yal | CD | 2000 | 42859582 | Tinder Records, 80 Mark Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903; tel: 888-848-6777; fax: 415-491-0716; email:;

Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!

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