Radio Nothing 1221

This playlist covers Radio Nothing#1221 -- The We Always Know Less Than We Think We Do Inspite Of Having Greater Knowledge Than We Realize Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT
on Monday, January 11, 1999 from 3h00 to 6h00

This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the second, just scroll up the page.)

The "Ref#" is usually the WPKN library number. For example: "D11216" represents WPKN Library CD # D11216. "31648" represents WPKN Library LP #31648. However, there are other (non-WPKN) reference numbers for some of the musical selections from my personal LP/CD library or other source. And then there are also numbers like "7h05" -- which is French notation of the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.

The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information is only as timely as the publication date of the source material -- so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.

Any questions or comments? -- Please contact me via e-mail at:

Thanks for your interest.

Regards from your host,

Rod Richardson

Radio Nothing #1221
The We Always Know Less Than We Think We Do Inspite Of Having Greater Knowledge Than We Realize Edition
Monday, January 11, 1999 -- 3h00 to 6h00

Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work
01 | cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |

02 | 3h10 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |

03 | D25573 | John Richardson | Rainmaker | Drums Of A Nation

04 | D16446 | Mecca Bodega | Naima | Mahatma Gumbo

05 | D25010 | The Grassy Knoll | Thunder Ain't Rain | III

06 | D26116 | Big Johnson | Technology | Moonshine OverAmerica 98 - The Album

07 | D26114 | Rogue Unit | Black Gold | High Karate

08 | 4h03 | Rod | Info |

09 | cart4h07 | Sans Cherubs | Sans Cherubs WPKN Benefit Concert Promo |

10 | 4h09 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

11 | D25612 | David Starobin [William Bland, comp.] | Rag Nouveau | New Dance - 18 Dances for Guitar

12 | D25333 | Slava Grigoryan [guitar] with Edward Grigoryan [viola] [Astor Piazolla, comp.] | Histoire du Tango: i) Bordel 1900 | Dance of the Angel

13 | D25333 | Slava Grigoryan [guitar] with Edward Grigoryan [viola] [Astor Piazolla, comp.] | Histoire du Tango: ii) Café 1930 | Dance of the Angel

14 | D25333 | Slava Grigoryan [guitar] with Edward Grigoryan [viola] [Astor Piazolla, comp.] | Histoire du Tango: iii) Nightclub 1960 | Dance of the Angel

15 | D25333 | Slava Grigoryan [guitar] with Edward Grigoryan [viola] [Astor Piazolla, comp.] | Histoire du Tango: iv) Concert d'aujourd'hui | Dance of the Angel

16 | D25413 | Yungchen Lhamo | Coming Home | Coming Home

17 | rrcdamdus98 | Flapper | Dreambar | Amduscias

18 | rrcdfall98 | Falling You | Feathered | Mercy

19 | rrcdfall98 | Falling You | Reprise | Mercy

20 | rrcdamdus98 | Brite Moments | Evolution | Amduscias

21 | rrcdlowe90 | George M. Lowe | Dealing With Death Part 2 - The Other Side (Spectral Doorknob) | Don't Be A Fool

22 | 5h02 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |

23 | RRCDNY2/2 | Icebreaker [Gavin Bryars, comp.] | The Archangel Trip (excerpt) | Short Cuts - Breaking the Sound Barrier

24 | rrcdnym88 | The Michael Nyman Band | Endgame | Drowning By Numbers

25 | rrcdcook | Michael Nyman | Book Depository | The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover [soundtrack]

26 | rrcdnym88 | The Michael Nyman Band | Crematorium Conspiracy | Drowning By Numbers

27 | D26001 | [Marc-Antonio Consoli, comp.] The Louisville Orchestra, Lawrence Leighton Smith [cond.] | Afterimages: i) October Light Refrain | Odefonia/Pensieri Sospesi/Afterimages

28 | D26001 | [Marc-Antonio Consoli, comp.] The Louisville Orchestra, Lawrence Leighton Smith [cond.] | Afterimages: ii) Elegaic Lullaby | Odefonia/Pensieri Sospesi/Afterimages

29 | D26001 | [Marc-Antonio Consoli, comp.] The Louisville Orchestra, Lawrence Leighton Smith [cond.] | Afterimages: iii) Dream at the End of Joy Tract Road | Odefonia/Pensieri Sospesi/Afterimages

30 | D25464 | Djivan Gasparyan & Michael Brook | Freedom | Black Rock

31 | 5h55 | Rod | Info & Outro |

32 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity Dance

SourceList for Radio Nothing #1221

Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial Number | Label Info

D01777 | The Horse Flies | Gravity Dance | CD | 1991 | MCAD-10176 | The Horse Flies, 632 Bostwick Road, Ithaca, NY 14850;
D16446 | Mecca Bodega | Mahatma Gumbo | CD | 1993 | FA-026 | Fang Records, P.O. Box 652, New York, NY 10009

D25010 | The Grassy Knoll | III | CD | 1998 | 314 557 087-2 | Antilles, a PolyGram company, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019;

D25333 | Slava Grigoryan | Dance of the Angel | CD | 1997 | SK 63011 | Sony Classical, 550 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022-3211;

D25413 | Yungchen Lhamo | Coming Home | CD | 1998 | 7243-8 45785 2 7 | Real World Records, distributed by Narada Productions, Inc., 4650 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, WI 53212-1063 USA;

D25464 | Djivan Gasparyan & Michael Brook | Black Rock | CD | 1998 | 7243 8 46230 2 9 | Real World Records, distributed by Narada Productions, Inc., 4650 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, WI 53212-1063 USA;

D25573 | John Richardson | Drums Of A Nation | CD | 1998 | NWCD 441 | New World Music, 154 Betasso Road, Boulder, CO 80302, tel: 800-771-0987; ; email:

D25612 | David Starobin | New Dance - 18 Dances for Guitar | CD | 1998 | 9084 | Bridge Records, Inc., Box 1864, New York, NY 10116 ;

D26001 | Marc-Antonio Consoli | Odefonia/Pensieri Sospesi/Afterimages | CD | 1998 | CD 789 | CRI - Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street, Suite 506, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673; fax: 212- 941-9704; email:;

D26114 | Various | High Karate | CD | 1998 | MSS 0041-2 | Mutant Sound System, a Paradigm Associated label, 67 Irving Place S., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10003; email: ;

D26116 | Various | Moonshine OverAmerica 98 - The Album | CD | 1998 | MM 80092-2 | Moonshine Music, 8525 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069; e-mail: ;

rrcdamdus98 | Various | Amduscias | CD | 1998 | n/a | Zenflesh Records, P.O. Box 252065, Los Angeles, CA 90025, ; email:

rrcdcook | Michael Nyman | The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover [soundtrack] | CD | 1989 | CAROL CD 1603 | Caroline Records, 114 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001

rrcdfall98 | Falling You | Mercy | CD | 1998 | 9802 | AdAstra Records, P.O. Box 2342, Streetsboro, OH 44241; email: ;

rrcdlowe90 | George M. Lowe | Don't Be A Fool | CD | 1990 | DD01 | Dingus Disks, 5533 Linwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224

RRCDNY2/2 | Various (distributed as a bonus CD with Michael Nyman "The Piano Concerto MGV") | Short Cuts - Breaking the Sound Barrier | CD | 1994 | 443 382-2 | Argo, The Decca Record Company Ltd., London, UK

rrcdnym88 | The Michael Nyman Band | Drowning By Numbers | CD | 1988 | CAROL 1646-2 | Caroline Records, Inc., 104 West 29th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001

Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!

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