Radio Nothing #1115
This playlist covers Radio Nothing#1115-- The Winter Wanderings
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT
on Thursday, January 29, 1998 from 6h00 to 13h00
This playlist is divided into two sections: the first
section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the
second section is the source material (Cassettes,
Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s
in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list
of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section
after perusing the second, just scroll up the page.)
The "Ref#" is usually the WPKN library number. For example:
"D11216" represents WPKN Library CD # D11216. "31648"
represents WPKN Library LP #31648. However, there are other (non-WPKN) reference
numbers for some of the musical selections from my personal LP/CD library
or other source. And then there are also numbers like "7h05" --
which is French notation of the starting time of a microphone break to provide
listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.
The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the
title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of
publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available)
addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The
label information is only as timely as the publication date of the source
material -- so you may have to do additional research on your own if this
information is out of date.
Any questions or comments? -- Please contact me via e-mail at:
Thanks for your interest.
Regards from your host,
Rod Richardson
Radio Nothing #1115
The Winter Wanderings Edition
Thursday, January 29, 1998 -- 6h00 to 13h00
Event | Ref# | Artist | Selection | Work
| cassette | various | Montage Nothing 3.0.1 |
02 | 6h08 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |
03 | D20222 | Russell Gunn | Gunn Fu | Gunn Fu
04 | rrcdbril97.1 | Wally Brill | The Universe
| The Covenant
05 | rrcdglas97 | Philip Glass | Sand Mandala
| Kundun [soundtrack]
06 | D20895 | Osmani Soundz | Spiritual Masterkey
| Anokha - Soundz of the Asian Underground
07 | rrcdemit3396 | Undark | Her 200 Bones
| em:t3396
08 | rrcdhann94 | Beaumont Hannant | Crouton
| Texturology
09 | D20414 | Al Gromer Khan | How can we B sure?
| Space Hotel
10 | D21065 | Richard Horowitz & Susan Deyhim
| Botachine (Infinitely Curved) | Majoun
11 | 7h02 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
12 | rrcdglas97 | Philip Glass | Chinese Invade
| Kundun [soundtrack]
13 | D21729 | Zoar | An Early Disobedience | Cassandra
14 | D20545 | Matthew Shipp Quartet | Instinctive
Codes | The Flow of X
15 | D18507 | Karineh Hovhannessian | Sonat-Tahashar
| The Music of Armenia - Volume Four: Kanon/Traditional Zither Music
16 | rrcdemit2296 | Pablo's Eye | Pagan Exp.
| em:t2296
17 | D20895 | The Milky Bar Kid | Accepting Trankuility
| Anokha - Soundz of the Asian Underground
18 | 8h03 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
19 | rrcdglas97 | Philip Glass | Move to Dungkar
| Kundun [soundtrack]
20 | D18421 | Khampagar Monastery | Tsedrup | Tibet:
The Heart of Dharma
21 | rrcdglas97 | Philip Glass | Escape to
India | Kundun [soundtrack]
22 | D20855 | The Sabri Brothers | Hazir Hain Hazir
Hain | The Greatest Hits
23 | 9h00 | Rod | Info |
24 | cart9h04 | Stephan Allision | Buttonwood Tree: Gryssel Ramirez |
25 | cart9h05 | Stephan Allision | Buttonwood Tree: Thomas Chapin Benefit
26 | 9h07 | Rod | Info |
27 | cart9h07 | Joseph Celli | No World Improvisations, Discovery Museum
Promo |
28 | 9h10 | Rod | News/Weather |
29 | D13289 | Balinese Temple Festival | Balinese
Trance Rituals | Trance 2
30 | D20895 | State of Bengal | Chittagong Chill
| Anokha - Soundz of the Asian Underground
31 | D21729 | Zoar | Death by Denial | Cassandra
32 | D18398 | Hukwe Zawose | Nghanga Msakuzi |
33 | 10h01 | Rod | Info |
34 | rrcdbril97.1 | Wally Brill | Rtzeh (We
Pray) | The Convenant
35 | D21564 | Juno Reactor | God Is God | Bible
of Dreams
36 | D09357 | Ramirez | El Ritmo Barbaro | Ethnotechno
- Sonic Anthropology Volume I
37 | D20895 | Kingsuk Biswas | K-Ascendant | Anokha
- Soundz of the Asian Underground
38 | D15468 | sHAPE FACTOR MOMENt | Steel | Son
Of Mind Daughter of Body
39 | rrcdglas97 | Philip Glass | Norbu Plays
| Kundun [soundtrack]
40 | D07392 | David Borden | Fog, Stars, Train,
West Hill Lights, etc. | Cayuga Night Music
41 | D07388 | Steve Schick [percussion]/[David
Lang, comp.] | The Anvil Chorus | Bang On A Can Live Volume 2
42 | D21876 | Spring Heel Jack | Bells 2 | Busy
Curious Thirsty
43 | D01504 | Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta
| Technowaltz | Messages & Portraits
44 | 11h01 | Rod | Info |
45 | D19076 | DJ Shadow | Stem/Long Stem | Endtroducing...
46 | D07389 | Evan Ziporyn | What She Saw There
| Animal Act
47 | D11040 | Jonas Hellborg with Glen Velez |
Regicide | Ars Moriende
48 | D09788 | Sola | The Broken Zither: 5. The
Appointment WIth Ziqi | Blues In The East
49 | 12h00 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
50 | D10736 | Zeitgeist/Frederick Rzewski [comp.]
| Crusoe | A Decade -- Zeitgeist plays Rzewski
51 | D10735 | Robert Black [bass]/[Paul Dresher,
comp.] | Mirrors | State of the Bass
52 | D21410 | Graham Haynes | Sadguru | Tones For
The 21st Century
53 | rrcdearl95.1 | Joseph Payne | From the
Mulliner Book - Galliard; La Bounette | An Introduction to Early Music
54 | 12h55 | Rod | Info & Outro |
55 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity
SourceList for Radio Nothing
Ref# | Artist | Title | Type | Date | Serial
Number | Label Info
D01504 | Roberto Musci &
Giovanni Venosta | Messages & Portraits | CD | 1990 | RéRMVCD
| RéR Megacorp; U.S. distribution: Cuneiform, P.O. Box 8427, Silver
Spring, MD 20907
D01777 | The
Horse Flies | Gravity Dance | CD | 1991 | MCAD-10176 | The Horse Flies,
632 Bostwick Road, Ithaca, NY 14850;
D07388 | Various | Bang On A Can Live Volume 2
| CD | 1993 | CD646 | CRI Emergency Music, Composers Recordings, Inc., 73
Spring Street, New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673
D07389 | Evan Ziporyn | Animal Act | CD | 1993
| CD645 | CRI Emergency Music, Composers Recordings, Inc., 73 Spring Street,
New York, NY 10012-5800; tel: 212-941-9673
| David Borden | Cayuga Night Music | CD | 1993 | LM 2013 | Lameduck Music,
PO Box 842, Ithaca, NY 14851/distributed by Linden Music, PO Box 520, Linden,
VA 22642
D09357 | Various [techno]
| Ethnotechno - Sonic Anthropology Volume I | CD | 1994 | TVT 7211-2 | Wax
Trax! Records, Inc., 1657 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647, tel: 773-252-1000,
fax: 773-252-1007,
; dist. by TVT Records, 23 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10003, tel: 212-979-6410,
fax: 212-979-6489
D09788 | Sola
| Blues In The East | CD | 1994 | 314-524 003-2 | Axiom, distributed by
Island Records, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019
D10735 | Robert Black | State of the Bass | CD
| 1994 | 14 | O.O. Disks, Inc., 261 Groovers Avenue, Black Rock, CT 06605-3452;
Phone: 203-367-7917, fax: 203-333-0603, e-mail:
D10736 | Zeitgeist/Frederick Rzewski [comp.] |
A Decade -- Zeitgeist plays Rzewski | CD | 1994 | 15 | O.O. Disks, Inc.,
261 Groovers Avenue, Black Rock, CT 06605-3452; Phone: 203-367-7917, fax:
203-333-0603, e-mail:
D11040 | Jonas Hellborg with Glen Velez | Ars Moriende
| CD | 1994 | DEM 034 | Day Eight, P.O. Box 1626, 22101 Lud, Sweden; Day
Eight US, 532 La Guardia Place, #421, New York, NY 10012
D13289 | Various [Sufi, Moroccan, Balinese] | Trance
2 | CD | 1995 | 4010 | Ellipsis Arts, 20 Lumber Road, Roslyn, NY 11576-9894;
tel: 1-800-788-6670
D15468 | Children
of Mind/Body [various] | Son Of Mind Daughter of Body | CD | 1995 | n/a
| RMI Mind/Body CD Project, c/o Steven Boswell, P.O. Box 22121, San Diego,
CA 92192-2121, e-mail:,
D18398 | Hukwe Zawose | Chibite | CD | 1996 | CAROL
2358-2 | Real World Records, dist. by Caroline Records, Inc. 114 West 26th
Street, New York , NY 10001
| Various [Tibetan Buddhist] | Tibet: The Heart of Dharma | CD | 1996 |
4050 | Ellipsis Arts..., P.O. Box 305, Roslyn, NY 11576; tel: 1-800-788-6670,
(516) 621-2727; fax: (516) 621-2750; e-mail
D18507 | Karineh Hovhannessian | The Music of Armenia
- Volume Four: Kanon/Traditional Zither Music | CD | 1996 | 13118-2 | Celestial
Harmonies, PO Box 30122, Tucson, AZ 85751; e-mail:
D19076 | DJ Shadow | Endtroducing... | CD | 1996
| 697-124 123-2 | MoWax,Manufactured & Marketed by I.L.S., 825 Eighth
Avenue, New York, NY 10019
| Russell Gunn | Gunn Fu | CD | 1997 | HCD 7003 | Highnote Records, Inc.,
106 West 71st Street, New York, NY 10023
| Al Gromer Khan | Space Hotel | CD | 1996 | NE 9601-2 | New Earth Records
Inc., P.O. Box 2368, Boulder, CO 80306; tel: 1-800-570-4074
D20545 | Matthew Shipp Quartet | The Flow of X
| CD | 1997 | thi 21326.2 | 2.13.61 Records, Box 391, Prince Street Station,
New York, NY 10012, under exclusive license to Thirsty Ear Recordings, 274
Madison Avenue, Suite 804, New York, NY 10016,
D20855 | The Sabri Brothers | The Greatest Hits
| CD | 1997 | 64090 | Shanachie Entertainment Corp., P.O. Box 284, Newton,
NJ 07860-0284;
D20895 | Various | Anokha - Soundz of the Asian
Underground | CD | 1997 | 314-524 341-2 | Quango/Island Records, 825 Eighth
Avenue, New York, NY 10019
| Richard Horowitz & Susan Deyhim | Majoun | CD | 1997 | SK62721 | Sony
Classical, 550 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022-3211;
D21410 | Graham Haynes | Tones For The 21st Century
| CD | 1997 | 314 537 692-2 | Antilles, a PolyGram Company, 825 Eighth Avenue,
New York, NY 10019,
D21564 | Juno Reactor | Bible of Dreams | CD |
1997 | TVT 7248-2 | Wax Trax! Records, Inc., 1657 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago,
IL 60647, tel: 773-252-1000, fax: 773-252-1007,
; dist. by TVT Records, 23 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10003, tel: 212-979-6410,
fax: 212-979-6489
D21729 | Zoar
| Cassandra | CD | 1997 | 456 315-2 | Point Music; distributed by PolyGram
Records, Inc., 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY
| Spring Heel Jack | Busy Curious Thirsty | CD | 1997 | 314-524 437-2 |
Island Records, a Polygram Company, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019
rrcdbril97.1 | Wally Brill | The Covenant
| CD | 1997 | 314-524 422-2 | Island Records, a PolyGram Company, 825 Eighth
Avenue, New York, NY 10019
| Various | An Introduction to Early Music | CD | 1995 | 8.551203 | Naxos,
dist. by MVD Music and Video Distribution GmbH, Oberweg 21C-Halle, D-82008
Unterhaching, Munich, Germany
| Various | em:t2296 | CD | 1996 | n/a | t:me Recording Ltd., tel: 0115
985 9595, fax: 0115 941 2277, email:
rrcdemit3396 | Undark | em:t3396 | CD | 1996 |
n/a | t:me Recording Ltd., tel: 0115 985 9595, fax: 0115 941 2277, email:
rrcdglas97 |
Philip Glass | Kundun [soundtrack] | CD | 1997 | 79460-2 | Elektra Nonesuch,
75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019
| Beaumont Hannant | Texturology | CD | 1994 | GPR CD 4 | General Production
Recordings, Ltd., tel: +44 (0) 268 554906, fax: +44 (0) 81 742 8236
Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!
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by Rod Richardson