This playlist covers Radio Nothing#1110-- The Tourist Wherever
You Go Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT
on Thursday, January 15, 1998 from 6h00 to 10h00
This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#. The Ref#s in the first section are linked to those in the second section, the list of source material, for quicker access. (To return to the first section after perusing the second, just scroll up the page.)
The "Ref#" is usually the WPKN library number. For example: "D11216" represents WPKN Library CD # D11216. "31648" represents WPKN Library LP #31648. However, there are other (non-WPKN) reference numbers for some of the musical selections from my personal LP/CD library or other source. And then there are also numbers like "7h05" -- which is French notation of the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.
The source listing includes the names of the performing artists; the title of the album; whether it was a CD, LP, cassette,etc.; the date of publication; the serial number; and label information such as (when available) addresses, telephone, fax numbers and links to e-mail and web sites. The label information is only as timely as the publication date of the source material -- so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.
Any questions or comments? -- Please contact me via e-mail at:
Thanks for your interest.
Regards from your host,
Rod Richardson
Radio Nothing #1110
The Tourist Wherever You Go Edition
Thursday, January 15, 1998 -- 6h00 to 10h00
02 | 6h08 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |
03 | D17616 | Gordon Jenkins | Caravan | Saxophobia [Ultra Lounge Volume 12]
04 | D09464 | Bova Saxophone Quartet [Terry Riley, comp.] | Song Announcing Dawn's Combat | Imbas Forasnal - Chanting the Light of Foresight
05 | D09756 | Tizanio Popoli and N.O.R.M.A. | Circus Music | The ReR Quarterly - Volume 4, Number 1
06 | D10123 | The Illustrious Theatre Orchestra | When The Smoke Clears At Dawn | Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
07 | D06187 | Tickmayer Formatio | Dance Competition I | Wilhelm Dances MCMXCII
08 | D09758 | Cartoon | Quotes | Sortie
09 | 6h58 | Rod | Info |
10 | cart7h01 | Pete Stewart | Dar Williams WPKN Benefit Concert Promo |
11 | 7h03 | Rod | News/Weather |
12 | rrcdvarè01 | Edgar Varèse [comp.]; Orchestra National de France, Kent Nagano [cond.] | Amériques | Amériques, Offrandes, Hyperprism, Octandre, Arcana
13 | D06187 | Tickmayer Formatio | Saving | Wilhelm Dances MCMXCII
14 | rrcdnonc1 | Non Credo | Looking For Eddie | Happy Wretched Family
15 | D09476 | Aphex Twin | A Selected Ambient Work [disk 2, track 11] | Selected Ambient Works Volume II
16 | rrcdgold93 | Harvey Goldman | Singing With Slit Tongue | Speaking with Shadows (eloquent gibberish)
17 | 8h05 | Rod | Info |
18 | cart8h07 | Pete Stewart | Dar Williams WPKN Benefit Concert Promo |
19 | 8h08 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
20 | rrdat121994.1 | This Is Our Dream (Bridgeport Ambient Ensemble) | Three Birds and a Handkerchief (Part 1) | Three Birds and a Handkerchief
21 | 9h05 | Rod | Station ID |
22 | rrdat121994.1 | This Is Our Dream (Bridgeport Ambient Ensemble) | Three Birds and a Handkerchief (Part 1) [continued] | Three Birds and a Handkerchief
23 | D17616 | Gordon Jenkins | Caravan | Saxophobia [Ultra Lounge Volume 12]
24 | D09756 | Martin Burlas | The Cross and the Circle | The ReR Quarterly - Volume 4, Number 1
25 | 9h56 | Rod | Info & Outro |
26 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity Dance
SourceList for Radio Nothing
Well, there you have it! Thanks for visiting!