This playlist covers Radio Nothing#945 -- The Cynical Cycle Edition
broadcast on 89.5 FM - WPKN in Bridgeport, CT
on Thursday, June 20, 1996 from 6h00 to 10h00
This playlist is divided into two sections: the first section is a listing of events as they occurred in the program; the second section is the source material (Cassettes, Compact Disks, LPs, etc.) in numerical order based on the Ref#.
The "Ref#" is usually the WPKN library number. For example: "D11216" represents WPKN Library CD # D11216. "31648" represents WPKN Library LP #31648. However, there are other (non-WPKN) reference numbers for some of the musical selections from my personal LP/CD library or other source. "6h05" is French notation of the starting time of a microphone break to provide listeners with information, news, weather, and other inane babbling.
As far as Label Info is concerned: this information is only as timely as the publication date of the source material -- so you may have to do additional research on your own if this information is out of date.
Any questions or comments? -- Please contact me via e-mail at:
Thanks for your interest.
Regards from your host,
Rod Richardson
Radio Nothing #945
The Cynical Cycle Edition
Thursday, June 20, 1996 -- 6h00 to 10h00
01 | cassette | Various/The Fugs | Montage Nothing 3.0 | -
02 | 6h08 | Rod | Greetings & Salutations |
03 | D17084 | Orbital | Times Fly (Fast) | In Sides
04 | D17393 | Abdel Ali Slimani | Ana Guellile Dub | Mraya
05 | D17394 | Riff-Ola - The Swedish Sax Septet | Frog Tune | Riff-Ola
06 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet [Michael Daugherty, comp.] | Sing Sing: J. Edgar Hoover | Howl, U.S.A.
07 | D17177 | Joe Maneri, Joe Morris, Mat Maneri | Through A Glass Darkly | Three Men Walking
08 | D17116 | Tetsu Inoue | Interlink | Distill
09 | D17131 | Ken Field | Sympathetic Magic | Subterranea
10 | 7h02 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
11 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 1 - i) Introduzione | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
12 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 1 - ii) Girovago | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
13 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 1 - iii) Intermezzo 1 | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
14 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 1 - iv) Eterno Stasera | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
15 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 1 - v) Intermezzo 2 | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
16 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 2 - i) Perché? | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
17 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 2 - ii) Sempre Notte | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
18 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 2 - iii) Inizio (1) Solitudine Lontano | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
19 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 2 - iv) Inizio (2) L'Illuminata Rugiada Proverbi (Uno) | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
20 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 2 - v) Intermezzo 3 | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
21 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 2 - vi) Destino/Rilucere Inveduto/Un'Altra Notte | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
22 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 3 - i) Se Una Tua Mano | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
23 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 3 - ii) Intermezzo 4 | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
24 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 3 - iii) Vanità | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
25 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 3 - iv) Quando Un Giorno/Le Ansie | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
26 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 4 - i) é Senza Fiato | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
27 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 4 - ii) Intermezzo 5 | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
28 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 4 - iii) Non Gridate Più | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
29 | D17178 | Michael Mantler [comp.], Mona Larsen and The Danish Radio Big Band, Giuseppe Ungaretti [words] | Part 4 - iv) Tutto Ho Perduto | Cerco Un Paese Innocente
30 | 8h15 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
31 | D17145 | Hotel X | Uncommon Grounds | Uncommon Grounds
32 | D15756 | Sisi Chen | Tianshan Mountain On a Festival Day | Tides and Sand
33 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet, Ben Johnston [voice], [Harry Partch, comp.] | Barstow: Eight Hitchhikers' Inscriptions from a Highway Railing at Barstow, California | Howl, U.S.A.
34 | D17129 | Rolf Kühn & Joachim Kühn | Opal | Brothers
35 | D17130 | Lama Karta | L'Appel au Lama de loin / The Call To The Lama From Afar | Tibetan Chants - Buddhist Meditation
36 | 9h05 | Rod | Info/News/Weather |
37 | D17117 | Buckethead | Flying Guillotine | The Day of The Robot
38 | D17056 | Meat Beat Manifesto | Radio Mellotron | Subliminal Sandwich
39 | D17394 | Riff-Ola - The Swedish Sax Septet | Thaw Tune | Riff-Ola
40 | D17131 | Ken Field | Thoughts Unspoken | Subterranea
41 | D17145 | Hotel X | Many Mansions | Uncommon Grounds
42 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet, [Scott Johnson, comp.] | Cold War Suite from How It Happens (The Voice of I.F. Stone): i) Lawless Things | Howl, U.S.A.
43 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet, [Scott Johnson, comp.] | Cold War Suite from How It Happens (The Voice of I.F. Stone): ii) Movies | Howl, U.S.A.
44 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet, [Scott Johnson, comp.] | Cold War Suite from How It Happens (The Voice of I.F. Stone): iii) Light | Howl, U.S.A.
45 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet, [Scott Johnson, comp.] | Cold War Suite from How It Happens (The Voice of I.F. Stone): iv) Perfect Weapon | Howl, U.S.A.
46 | D17189 | Kronos Quartet, [Scott Johnson, comp.] | Cold War Suite from How It Happens (The Voice of I.F. Stone): v) What Would Have Happened | Howl, U.S.A.
47 | D11140 | Stefan Tischler | Americans are Sleepwalking | Assemblage
48 | 9h57 | Rod | Info & Outro |
49 | D01777 | The Horse Flies | Roadkill | Gravity Dance
SourceList for Radio Nothing #945
Well, there you have it! Thanks for listening!