Each Playlist Nothing contains a complete listing of the pieces played in sequence along with the times of the microphone breaks. Also each playlist also features a complete listing of sources used including: WPKN Library Number, Artist, Title, Type of media (CD, LP, Cassette, etc.), Date of Publication, Serial Number, and Label information including (when available) addresses, fax & telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, Internet addresses, etc. Thus, if you're really smitten with something that you have heard on Radio Nothing, you should be able to track it down.

Playlists Nothing for August 1995:

Radio Nothing #852
The Two Idiot Bicyclists On I-95 In Baltimore Edition
Thursday, August 31, 1995 -- 6h00 to 10h00

Radio Nothing #851
The Pavement Is Harder Than Your Head Edition
Thursday, August 24, 1995 -- 6h00 to 10h00

Radio Nothing #850
The Small Patch of Gravel Edition
Monday, August 21, 1995 -- 3h00 to 6h00

Radio Nothing #849
The Where Will It Go Now, The Curly Vine Edition
Thursday, August 17, 1995 -- 6h00 to 10h00

Radio Nothing #848
The Curly Vine Climbs The Pearly Gate Edition
Monday, August 14, 1995 -- 3h00 to 6h00

Radio Nothing #847
The Curly Vine Climbs to Heaven Edition
Thursday, August 10, 1995 -- 6h00 to 10h00

Radio Nothing #846
The Outdated Postal Scale Upgrade Kit Edition
Monday, August 7, 1995 -- 3h00 to 6h00

Radio Nothing #845
The Freon Dramatics Edition
Thursday, August 3, 1995 -- 6h00 to 10h00

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via e-mail: Rod@radionothing.net

Thanks for your interest!


Rod Richardson

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All Graphic Images found on the various Radio Nothing Web Pages ©1995 by Rod Richardson